Please update my entry for PGP application for parents
Please update my entry for PGP application for parents
- Line # in tracker:
- Sponsored People: Father and Mother
- Parents Country of Citizenship: Pakistan
- Sponsor Province: Ontario
- Invitations Receive Date: April 24 2019
- Application received in Ottawa Date: June 4, 2019
- AoR Received (DATE): Not yet
- Ecas Status for Sponsorship appl. and PR appl.: 18th Sept 2018 , Application Received
- Sponsorship In process Date:
- Sponsor ship Decision Made Date:
- Biometric request date : at present showing bio # of supervisa
- Medical request date:
- MyCIC update: able to link on same day of ecas 18.09.2019
- IME / PCC / travel history request date