Hi there,
My mom has a four years Super Visa that will expire in June 2019. She first came to Canada in August 2015 and left in December 2015. Then six months later she came back in June 2016 and planned to leave in May 2018. However, she is considering to leave earlier, in December 2017.
1- Is there something like extension Super Visa period? Like: As she only has the current one for 4 years, can she apply somehow to extend the period to 10 years?
2- Can she apply for Super Visa from Canada?
3- Can she apply for Super Visa during the year 2018? or Her current Super Visa has to expire, for her to re-apply for another Super Visa?
4- When she first applied for Super Visa, the only proof "of being a real visitor to Canada" was her job in home Country. She has now retired and has no jobs anymore. However she has a clear proof that she lawfully visited Canada by exiting before the exit date, and maintaining the medical insurance etc.. How can she prove her intent of being a real visitor for the second Super Visa application?
My mom has a four years Super Visa that will expire in June 2019. She first came to Canada in August 2015 and left in December 2015. Then six months later she came back in June 2016 and planned to leave in May 2018. However, she is considering to leave earlier, in December 2017.
1- Is there something like extension Super Visa period? Like: As she only has the current one for 4 years, can she apply somehow to extend the period to 10 years?
2- Can she apply for Super Visa from Canada?
3- Can she apply for Super Visa during the year 2018? or Her current Super Visa has to expire, for her to re-apply for another Super Visa?
4- When she first applied for Super Visa, the only proof "of being a real visitor to Canada" was her job in home Country. She has now retired and has no jobs anymore. However she has a clear proof that she lawfully visited Canada by exiting before the exit date, and maintaining the medical insurance etc.. How can she prove her intent of being a real visitor for the second Super Visa application?