Put Haseeb in your database, he was going to york i guess, there was another guy who replied to his question, and he was going to york as well, on some international distinction scholarship, i guess. Add 'em up to your DB. Haseeb was The guy who was pretty stressed about not getting visa on whose question you replied. I am in MSc management program, not an MBA. Research funding is canadian in origin. Lets do somepin about it. I guess, dignity is fundamental right, and it trumps all policy, procedure, guidelines and country risk profile etc... Each thing take a multitude of working days to get done at canadian embassy, if you want a reply to an email, wait 15 working days (That too if your application has exceeded pre-defined processing time-which interesting is 16 weeks, effectively meaning that you dont have a right to appeal, in the sense that for september intake your admission get finalized by march at earliest and if you file your case, on 1st april, your case can be held till end of july, and you have only one month to file an appeal, even if you do file an appeal, its fate wouldnt be decided by the time your intake has already started- Amazing????) Enough said.
Also, can somebody clarify here this: That number of permits to be issued to each country for each kind of permits is specified for each fiscal year by some embassies? Is it true? If so how many embassies do it? Does canada do it too?