'But you haven't explained WHY the OUTLAND apps can be done quicker.'
Because most Americans (for example) have their applications processed entirely IN Canada (Mississauga for stage 1, followed by Ottawa for stage 2). I say MOST, because some are in fact routed back to the U.S. for processing (primarily those with `red flags' or criminality, or medical inadmissibility concerns), in which case their processing times could potentially be longer than an Inland applicant. I suspect these are by far the minority of applicants.
Ponga, you are assuming I know a lot more about this process than I actually do.

I don't know what is so special about Americans, nor about why they prefer to process their apps in Canada instead of the U.S.
I am more interested in non-American apps really.
'Are the OUTLAND reps super humans that have special technical skills enabling them to process the apps quicker than INLAND reps who have regular human skills?'
I was hoping my guess would be wrong.
'I'm interested in knowing *why* the processing times are faster for OUTLAND offices.'
Because CIC feels that if an applicant submits an Inland application, they are already with their family member...what's the rush?
And this is exactly why I asked the question about OUTLAND apps by people living INLAND! What does CIC feel for those cases, in terms of rushing?
'I'm also interested in knowing *why* OUTLAND apps for those living INLAND are treated exactly the same as OUTLAND apps for those living OUTLAND.'
Nobody is saying that they are treated the same. For example, a person outside of Canada would not need to maintain their status, right?
Maintaining status has nothing to do with the processing times.
We are assuming that status IS maintained while living Inland.
...As a matter of fact, a lot of people have no idea they can submit an Outland application if they are IN Canada. The CIC website certainly doesn't make it blatantly obvious...which they should!
This does not surprise me for one second.