Tullysgirl said:
OhCanadiana, what you shared is under the underlined "heading" of Applying to Remain in Canada as a Temporary Resident Permit Holder (IMM 5554).
Actually, if you read the first bullet you'll realize it's not a heading. The formatting may be confusing - it's underlined because it's a link to the guide people who need to resolve their admissibility need to read. There's several bullets on several important things to remember, including the one I quoted for you earlier on your ability to apply Outland.
Here's the text for ease of reference:
"Important information
Before you fill out the forms, read the following important information:
Things to remember
* A foreign national cannot become a permanent resident in Canada if he or she is inadmissible for reasons other than lack of legal immigration status in Canada.
A temporary resident permit (TRP) holder is inadmissible unless the circumstances that lead to the issuance of the TRP are resolved.
The person being sponsored must resolve the circumstances that resulted in the inadmissibility before submitting an application for permanent residence.
Refer to the guide for temporary resident permit holders:
Applying to Remain in Canada as a Temporary Resident Permit Holder (IMM 5554).
* The family class is aimed at faster processing of spouse or common‑law partner applications from applicants outside Canada.
Processing times for spouses or common‑law partners in Canada are generally longer.
The person being sponsored can apply to a visa office outside Canada to take advantage of the family class processing standard. Processing times for applications processed in Canada are posted on our Web site."