Hi, we are couple and we gave 2 children and we have very little income. we both citizen
If we both goes to study English online full time, that we get?
OSAP Estimator
shows for 15 weeks program
Grants 11100 and Loan 5300, total 16400 with 2 children
and Grants 4500 and Loan 4800 total 9300 with no children.
If we both apply, does it means only one of us received children allowance? logically I think NO.
In August our third children will be born
with sep-april program we receive
and summer program
this will be 50900 loans + 27000 ontario child benefits = 77900
and 32000 depts.
where my portion will be only 12100 and 15000 depts.
If we both taking ESL for 1 and half year, than 4 years university
My wife will finish education in 47 years and probably can find work and return 85K
I will finish education in 53 and will have 75K dept.
I still dont know should we apply together or just my wife?
If we both start full time study, we need to hire someone who will pick child from daycare, meet children at bus
this will eat my portion of grants
And second question
What program to take as online ESL education?
3 option, Seneca, Sheridan and Conestoga
My wife have ESL certificate with 5565 marks and I have nothing.
If we both goes to study English online full time, that we get?
OSAP Estimator
shows for 15 weeks program
Grants 11100 and Loan 5300, total 16400 with 2 children
and Grants 4500 and Loan 4800 total 9300 with no children.
If we both apply, does it means only one of us received children allowance? logically I think NO.
In August our third children will be born
with sep-april program we receive
and summer program
this will be 50900 loans + 27000 ontario child benefits = 77900
and 32000 depts.
where my portion will be only 12100 and 15000 depts.
If we both taking ESL for 1 and half year, than 4 years university
My wife will finish education in 47 years and probably can find work and return 85K
I will finish education in 53 and will have 75K dept.
I still dont know should we apply together or just my wife?
If we both start full time study, we need to hire someone who will pick child from daycare, meet children at bus
this will eat my portion of grants
And second question
What program to take as online ESL education?
3 option, Seneca, Sheridan and Conestoga
My wife have ESL certificate with 5565 marks and I have nothing.