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Champion Member
Dec 21, 2014
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john1818 said:
Thanks for your sympathy. I understand its better to mold then to criticize but what would you say about these comments on this petition page. Just go throug some of the comments on this page.

I've already read the petition. I've even tried to contact the initiator, to offer to help (for free, in case you're wondering) correct the numerous spelling & grammar errors.

To be blunt, I think it will be completely ignored by the authorities. There are some good points hidden in it, but they are badly presented, IMO, unfortunately. I happen to know a little bit about immigration & how it works. The vast majority of Canadians don't. To have any hope of getting attention, this sort of petition needs to get *their* attention & support. As it stands at the moment, I don't think it will :(.

Sorry to be such a "downer" :(.


Star Member
Jan 15, 2015
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Lammawitch said:
I've already read the petition. I've even tried to contact the initiator, to offer to help (for free, in case you're wondering) correct the numerous spelling & grammar errors.

To be blunt, I think it will be completely ignored by the authorities. There are some good points hidden in it, but they are badly presented, IMO, unfortunately. I happen to know a little bit about immigration & how it works. The vast majority of Canadians don't. To have any hope of getting attention, this sort of petition needs to get *their* attention & support. As it stands at the moment, I don't think it will :(.

Sorry to be such a "downer" :(.
I've read somewhere on this forum that CIC announced they might hold a CEC-specific draw if they felt that CEC applicants were undermined. This petition might help to prove that, in fact, they are :)