Hi, I was invited to apply under FSW. Out of my service in Canada, 3 months were when I was employed by Recruitment Agent to work for a Company.
Under the terms of the contract:
1) It was for 3 months only
2) I was not in control of the hours I worked (Client had set 9am - 5pm hrs)
3) Only worked for that client on a full-time basis (40hrs per week)
4) Performed the work for the recruitment company's profit
5) Was not liable for HST as I was under the threshold of $30,000 per CRA legislation
To prove this I got a letter from the Recruitment Agent and a letter from the Company re-enforcing the above and listing the duties in line with my NOC. I was also issued a T4 and CPP and EI were taken out of my pay.
Is this ok? Please Answer. Thanks.
My guidance:
http://www.esdc.gc.ca/en/reports/ei/digest/ch_4/independent_workers_particular.page - Contract of Service
(When a person is hired to be an employee, the person enters into a contract of service, which is an employer/employee relationship.)
Under the terms of the contract:
1) It was for 3 months only
2) I was not in control of the hours I worked (Client had set 9am - 5pm hrs)
3) Only worked for that client on a full-time basis (40hrs per week)
4) Performed the work for the recruitment company's profit
5) Was not liable for HST as I was under the threshold of $30,000 per CRA legislation
To prove this I got a letter from the Recruitment Agent and a letter from the Company re-enforcing the above and listing the duties in line with my NOC. I was also issued a T4 and CPP and EI were taken out of my pay.
Is this ok? Please Answer. Thanks.
My guidance:
http://www.esdc.gc.ca/en/reports/ei/digest/ch_4/independent_workers_particular.page - Contract of Service
(When a person is hired to be an employee, the person enters into a contract of service, which is an employer/employee relationship.)