Hello all ! After having crawled through dozens of pages for the past month, it is time for me to officially introduce myself

As many of you i am looking after FSSW stream for Ontario.
Here are the following details :
EE Profile created on 20 March 2017
TEF : CLB 10 - define as 1st language in my EE profile
IELTS : CLB 9 - define as 2nd language
ECA (from CES) : Master
NOC : 0213
Work Experience : 6+ years
Province selected : only Ontario
Language you feel more at ease: French
CRS score : 446
Job Bank profile created and appearing in my EE profile.
Letter from CIC confirming my acceptance in the EE pool.
Still no Provincial / Territorial Notification of Interest (PT NOI) from Ontario...but i believe 2 days is still too early + I keep reading that it has been since end February that there was no PT NOI...
I am still wondering the true benefits of a Province Nomination versus just picking up the ITA from CIC (as 446 score could get ITA as past thresholds were 434/441/447). Some argue that it is a waste of time + 1,500 CAD for just 600 bonus points + being locked to Ontario province.
However, I still believe that a Province Nomination means a PR profile that matched higher requirements / criteria of selection. Which could still be handy whenever compared with a standard CIC PR.
What do you think ? Looking for your inputs and hopefully more good news !
PS : If i can help in anyway people on my past experience on TEF / IELTS / ECA and all, feel free to shoot me