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On a casual note... LESSONS OF LIFE -Enjoy it's every Moment !!!


VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
Brampton, Canada
Visa Office......
Kanamen said:
How many times do we miss Spirit's blessings and answers to our prayers - because [size=10pt]they do not arrive exactly as we have expected?[/size]
Good rejoinder there...
Thanks for reminding us, buddy!



Hero Member
Jan 11, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........

Quiz: We know that 2/10=0.2


Prove that 2/10=2

Ans : Normal college students insist Question is "OUT of Syllabus".


Engineering Students replied:


therefore Two/Ten = Two/Ten = wo/en.

w=23, (As w comes at 23rd position in ABC, & so on)



Therefore wo/en=38/19=2.

Hence Proved

FOR, Engineers “ It doesn't matter what Answer is, but what Answer is required from them"


Star Member
Mar 13, 2011
phdmaker said:

Quiz: We know that 2/10=0.2


Prove that 2/10=2

Ans : Normal college students insist Question is "OUT of Syllabus".


Engineering Students replied:


therefore Two/Ten = Two/Ten = wo/en.

w=23, (As w comes at 23rd position in ABC, & so on)



Therefore wo/en=38/19=2.

Hence Proved

FOR, Engineers “ It doesn't matter what Answer is, but what Answer is required from them"
wow nice job..... :D, +1


Hero Member
Jan 11, 2010
Visa Office......
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Pippin said:
I think "SOMEONE" is writing a sequel to "The Three Idiots", LOL! Nice one.
Thanks for you as well dear Pippin. THE THREE IDIOTS squel indeed :D


Champion Member
Oct 20, 2010
Job Offer........
A mother held her new baby and very slowly rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while she held him, she sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

The baby grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was two years old, and he ran all around the house. He pulled all the books off the shelves. He pulled all the food out of the refrigerator and he took his mother's watch and flushed it down the toilet. Sometimes his mother would say, "this kid is driving me CRAZY!"

But at night time, when that two-year-old was quiet, she opened the door to his room, crawled across the floor, looked up over the side of his bed; and if he was really asleep she picked him up and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. While she rocked him she sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

The little boy grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was nine years old. And he never wanted to come in for dinner, he never wanted to take a bath, and when grandma visited he always said bad words. Sometimes his mother wanted to sell him to the zoo!

But at night time, when he was asleep, the mother quietly opened the door to his room, crawled across the floor and looked up over the side of the bed. If he was really asleep, she picked up that nine-year-old boy and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while she rocked him she sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

The boy grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was a teenager. He had strange friends and he wore strange clothes and he listened to strange music. Sometimes the mother felt like she was in a zoo!

But at night time, when that teenager was asleep, the mother opened the door to his room, crawled across the floor and looked up over the side of the bed. If he was really asleep she picked up that great big boy and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. While she rocked him she sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

That teenager grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was a grown-up man. He left home and got a house across town. But sometimes on dark nights the mother got into her car and drove across town. If all the lights in her son's house were out, she opened his bedroom window, crawled across the floor, and looked up over the side of his bed. If that great big man was really asleep she picked him up and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while she rocked him she sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

Well, that mother, she got older. She got older and older and older. One day she called up her son and said, "You'd better come see me because I'm very old and sick." So her son came to see her. When he came in the door she tried to sing the song. She sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always...

But she couldn't finish because she was too old and sick. The son went to his mother. He picked her up and rocked her back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And he sang this song:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my Mommy you'll be.

When the son came home that night, he stood for a long time at the top of the stairs. Then he went into the room where his very new baby daughter was sleeping. He picked her up in his arms and very slowly rocked her back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while he rocked her he sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.


Hero Member
Mar 10, 2010
phdmaker said:

Quiz: We know that 2/10=0.2


Prove that 2/10=2

Ans : Normal college students insist Question is "OUT of Syllabus".


Engineering Students replied:


therefore Two/Ten = Two/Ten = wo/en.

w=23, (As w comes at 23rd position in ABC, & so on)



Therefore wo/en=38/19=2.

Hence Proved

FOR, Engineers “ It doesn't matter what Answer is, but what Answer is required from them"
I disagree with you , because Mathematically,
wo=wxo, and not w+o, hence 23x15=345
and, en=exn and not e+n, hence 5x14=70
Therefore, wo/en=345/70=4.9286

"Abandon ye hope all ye who have no knowledge of Geometry" --- Guess who said this?


Champion Member
Oct 20, 2010
Job Offer........
schwarzeradler said:
I disagree with you , because Mathematically,
wo=wxo, and not w+o, hence 23x15=345
and, en=exn and not e+n, hence 5x14=70
Therefore, wo/en=345/70=4.9286

"Abandon ye hope all ye who have no knowledge of Geometry" --- Guess who said this?
I second(wo means w multiply with o , but as a fun its ok)


Full Member
Mar 20, 2011
?? :eek: :eek:

Kanamen said:
A mother held her new baby and very slowly rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while she held him, she sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

The baby grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was two years old, and he ran all around the house. He pulled all the books off the shelves. He pulled all the food out of the refrigerator and he took his mother's watch and flushed it down the toilet. Sometimes his mother would say, "this kid is driving me CRAZY!"

But at night time, when that two-year-old was quiet, she opened the door to his room, crawled across the floor, looked up over the side of his bed; and if he was really asleep she picked him up and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. While she rocked him she sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

The little boy grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was nine years old. And he never wanted to come in for dinner, he never wanted to take a bath, and when grandma visited he always said bad words. Sometimes his mother wanted to sell him to the zoo!

But at night time, when he was asleep, the mother quietly opened the door to his room, crawled across the floor and looked up over the side of the bed. If he was really asleep, she picked up that nine-year-old boy and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while she rocked him she sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

The boy grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was a teenager. He had strange friends and he wore strange clothes and he listened to strange music. Sometimes the mother felt like she was in a zoo!

But at night time, when that teenager was asleep, the mother opened the door to his room, crawled across the floor and looked up over the side of the bed. If he was really asleep she picked up that great big boy and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. While she rocked him she sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

That teenager grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was a grown-up man. He left home and got a house across town. But sometimes on dark nights the mother got into her car and drove across town. If all the lights in her son's house were out, she opened his bedroom window, crawled across the floor, and looked up over the side of his bed. If that great big man was really asleep she picked him up and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while she rocked him she sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

Well, that mother, she got older. She got older and older and older. One day she called up her son and said, "You'd better come see me because I'm very old and sick." So her son came to see her. When he came in the door she tried to sing the song. She sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always...

But she couldn't finish because she was too old and sick. The son went to his mother. He picked her up and rocked her back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And he sang this song:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my Mommy you'll be.

When the son came home that night, he stood for a long time at the top of the stairs. Then he went into the room where his very new baby daughter was sleeping. He picked her up in his arms and very slowly rocked her back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while he rocked her he sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.


Champion Member
Oct 20, 2010
Job Offer........

Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator.
If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation. Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?"
Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, 'Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.' I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life."
"Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested.
"Yes, it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life."
I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.
Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination. The robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma center.
After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body.
I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him
how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins. Wanna see my scars?"
I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his
mind as the robbery took place. "The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door," Jerry replied. "Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I chose to live."
"Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked.
Jerry continued, "The paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, 'He's a dead man.' I knew I needed to take action."
"What did you do?" I asked.
"Well, there was a big, burly nurse shouting questions at me," said Jerry. "She asked if I was allergic to anything. 'Yes,' I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, 'Bullets!' Over their laughter, I told them, 'I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.'"
Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. Every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything.


Hero Member
Jun 29, 2009
Toronto, ON
Job Offer........
@kanamen, true very true.

I had a roommate, who, I would say is just like this Jerry. His attitude towards life in general made me one too. He taught me how to find the light even at the darkest situations. He taught me what is the difference between emotional, rational and radical thinking. emotional - reacting to a situation without thinking. rational - reacting to a situation after thinking. radical - reacting to a situation after thinking too much [usually biased or stereotyped]. As we can see emotional and radical are not good (in most situations). rational is perfect! (examples....emotional - most of our lovable ladies [mothers rank 1, wives rank 2], radical - feminists, rebels, one who wants to stress a point just for the heck of it, rational - you would not notice them, they are the common-ever-happy-people)

I remember the quote made by Jimmy Johnston in The Cinderella Man: "My heart's for my family, Joe, my brains and my balls are for business and this is business." That's attitude, to know when to make emotional, rational and radical decisions.

Its all about the attitude.



Champion Member
Oct 20, 2010
Job Offer........
MCBoy said:
@ kanamen, true very true.

I had a roommate, who, I would say is just like this Jerry. His attitude towards life in general made me one too. He taught me how to find the light even at the darkest situations. He taught me what is the difference between emotional, rational and radical thinking. emotional - reacting to a situation without thinking. rational - reacting to a situation after thinking. radical - reacting to a situation after thinking too much [usually biased or stereotyped]. As we can see emotional and radical are not good (in most situations). rational is perfect! (examples....emotional - most of our lovable ladies [mothers rank 1, wives rank 2], radical - feminists, rebels, one who wants to stress a point just for the heck of it, rational - you would not notice them, they are the common-ever-happy-people)

I remember the quote made by Jimmy Johnston in The Cinderella Man: "My heart's for my family, Joe, my brains and my balls are for business and this is business." That's attitude, to know when to make emotional, rational and radical decisions.

Its all about the attitude.

Appreciate and respect your thoughts ,mate
Well said by Anthony J. D'Angelo , Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.


VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
Brampton, Canada
Visa Office......
Kanamen said:
TWO CHOICES------------>It's up to U !?!

Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate.
He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator.

If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation. Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?"

Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, 'Jerry, you have two choices today... You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.' I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life... I choose the positive side of life."

"Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested.

"Yes, it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life."

I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.

Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination. The robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma center.

After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body.

I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins. Wanna see my scars?"

I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place. "The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door," Jerry replied. "Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I chose to live."

"Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked.

Jerry continued, "The paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, 'He's a dead man.' I knew I needed to take action."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Well, there was a big, burly nurse shouting questions at me," said Jerry. "She asked if I was allergic to anything. 'Yes,' I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, 'Bullets!' Over their laughter, I told them, 'I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.'"

Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude.
Every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything.
One word -- Fantastic !

Sorry Buddy - for reformating it... just felt like doing so!