Hello Everyone,
Omg!!! Moment for me. Finally, I got to see the golden e-mail in my mail box yesterday.My journey with my visa office has almost come to an end.

Sorry for the late post. Firstly I’m thankful to God who showed me the way to forum.
I thought I should share my experience how I organized my application and got my interview waived which will be helpful for new applicants who are gonna apply for spouse visa.
At the end, I would like to summarize few tips I got from the forum. I just hope this will help you all.
Firstly, I’ll start with the application package. Our main aim and goal is to prove the visa officer (in PR SPOUSE SPONSOR VISA) that relationship is genuine and our interview should be waived. This can only be done by sending the visa officer a full fledge complete and a neat application package and ensure that they don’t have single question or doubts in their mind.
It took me almost 2 full months to complete the package. Ugggggghhhhhhhh
1. Checklist. India [IMM 3904] Guide you on the application and needs to be send along with application
2. The application forms and documents should be completed, neatly signed (missing signs will lead to rejection of application in most of the cases) and should be very well organized ,here we go :
• Envelope 1: Sponsor forms and supporting documents. (which will be processed in Canada time taken for processing 56 days as on 2015)
• Envelope 2: Sponsored persons form and supporting documents. (which will be processed in India { our great NDVO} time taken for processing 17 months (In India)as on 2015)
• Envelope 3: Proof for genuine relationship
• Envelope 4: Fees receipt
Link for the application forms for both sponsor and for sponsored person
(Note: The above 4 packages were put into a long expanding cover and I mailed to my hubby in Canada)
3. Each of the envelopes should be neatly labeled and should provide the supporting documents.
Envelope 1: Sponsor form
Table Of contents
All the required application form for Sponsor should be filled up and neatly signed (DON’T MISS OUT THE SIGNATURE COLUMN AND DON’T OMIT ANY QUESTIONS)
Sponsors supporting documents includes passport copy, pr card, company appointment letter, salary slip (last 6 months), house rental receipt and letter from house owner, option C,bank statements, and income tax statements.
The above supporting documents help to prove to the Canadian embassy that sponsor lives in Canada and is eligible for sponsorship.
Envelope 2: Sponsored spouse forms (Applicant)
Table of Contents.
All the required application form for Sponsored (applicant) should be filled up and neatly signed [no overwriting] (DON’T MISS OUT SIGNATURE COLUMN AND DON’T OMIT ANY QUESTIONS)
Applicants supporting documents includes passport copy, development of relationships (trips, dates, tickets), wedding ceremony, wedding reception, honeymoon pics,proof of stay (house docs where I stayed,eb bill),documents of work location if you had worked (company appointment letter, salary slip (last 6 months), bank statements and income tax statements).
Envelope 3: Proof of genuine relationship
Table of Contents.
I had divided into 3 main sections:
Photos shows are relationship from the day I met until our latest photos:
1. Our first family trip (the day when I met him).
2. Engagement Photos
3. Wedding Photos of each ceremony (almost 60-70 photos)
4. Photos of gifts that he gave me for the first time.
5. Photos that we took during the wedding shopping
6. Post wedding photos (grahpravesh)
7. Photos of Trips that we took after wedding.
8. Wedding Teaser link (1 min video)
Almost around 200 photos. I categorized my photos according to the time line of my relationship and used an envelope (i.e. one envelope for each event with description)
Please note:Also send photos that you had taken with your relatives and friends.
Communication: (From the day I met till the latest)
1. Phone Bills
2. What’s app chats
3. Facebook calling
4. Email’s we exchanged
5. Our facebook links (the likes and comments we got from our friends and relatives for engagement and wedding)
1. Marriage certificate.
3. Movie Tickets
4. Joint Bank account (Passbook)
5. Trips (Boarding passes, flight tickets, hotel bills)
6. Bills of wedding contracts (wedding hall receipts, photography bills, stage decorator’s bills, caterers etc).
Envelope 4: Fees Receipt
Spouse applicant 550 cad
Rprf (Landing fees) 490 cad
Both the fees please pay UPFRONT and sent the hardcopy to both the office [Mississauga and NDVO]
3 important documents that I had gone for upfront:
1. Original Police clearance certificate need to be sent along with the application.
2. Medicals go for upfront the moment you get your UCI no and when your file is transferred to NDVO (this the best time to sent the medicals as you can avoid doing re-medicals, while sending the application package write a letter stating that you are not sending the medicals as you don’t have the UCI no)
3. RPRF (Landing Fees) please pay upfront and sent the hardcopy along with the application form [By chance, if the application gets rejected not to worry they will refund the landing fees so no problem in paying the landing fees and sent along with the application]
All the photo copies of documents need notary attestation
Wish you luck in getting your application done, though its stressful I’m sure you will enjoy it
Some useful information’s which I have understood from this forum and also as per my experience:
1. Go for upfront of medicals once your file is transferred to NDVO (i.e. when you get AOR) in order to avoid re-medicals. Also inform the embassy the same while sending the application package.
2. Don’t for get to pay the landing fees (RPRF)upfront
3. Once the file is transferred to NDVO it takes minimum 7 to 8 months to get the PPR request only if the application package is complete. If they ask for additional docs or interview it is sure shot 12 to 17 months.
4. Apply for the GCMS NOTES in the 8th month from the date you get the AOR in order to know the status of application.
5. In Gcms notes you would have noticed due date. Due date is the date that the file will be looked at again, assessed and reviewed by the officer. S/he will check if anything is lacking, any documents to be asked or if the decisions need to be made. It’s a reminder tool to the processing officers
6. MP enquiry also helps. Here is the link to find out your area MP
7. Please do not sent additional documents or upfront of re medicals without any request from NDVO. At times it delays the process.
8. Here is the e-mail id for case review
You can also e-mail to the above ID
a) If the application got rejected without any valid reason.
b) If the processing time has crossed 17 months from the day the file been transferred to NDVO.
9. Time frame:
If your application is complete you can expect your visa within 6 to 8 months of time (Pls note it also depends upon the backlog)
In case of additional documents or re- medicals 12 to 14 months of time.
For people those who have interview its 15 to 18 months of time (18 months cause at times medicals get expired they take 2 months to update re medicals results and issue file).Rather I would suggest those who have got interview go for upfront of re medicals 1 month before the interview and e mail it to both NDVO and Case enquiry e mail so that they process the visa quickly after interview.
Working style of NDVO
a) Application received date they usually mark the date when the application was send to Canada where they go through the sponsors details (i.e Assessment of sponsor)
b) Once the file has been transferred to the applicants (sponsored person’s) visa office they send the acknowledgement of receipt (AOR) where they ask for RPRF (landing fees) and PCC then the file goes in process
In process for NDVO
i. Old In Process - Till last year an applicant got In Process when they had cleared their eligibility criteria( i.e interview waiver)
ii. New In process – Once the file has been transferred to the applicants Visa office the file goes in process (where it says application has been received by the visa officer and they will send an acknowledgement of receipt)
iii. At times the AOR and In Process dates will be same.
Here is the link for reference:
c) Medicals – They update the medicals in ecas only when an applicant have passed their medical examination
d) The file will be In process till
i. Eligibility
ii. Medicals
iii. Background checks like (criminality, security and RFV checks)
Are completed (At times, Eligibility checks and Medical check goes hand in hand)
e) VO might also ask for additional documents to have a better clarity on the file. (Not in all cases)
f) As far as Re-Medicals are concerned, The VO extends the medicals for 3 months for an applicant to land in Canada (this happens only when all the checks are completed). Here is the link for your reference:
If an applicant has got their re-medicals it means that all the checks like (eligibility, medicals, criminality and RFV) has been cleared and a sure shot that applicant is through and can expect PPR and DM any time (In a very rare case, during the final review if VO has a doubt on your file they might call for interview).
g) Decision Made – After completion all the above steps its Decision Made on the file
VO working style (In short):
Where they check the genuineness of marriage.
Medicals –
(a) physical examination;
(b) mental examination;
(c) review of past medical history;
(d) laboratory test;
(e) diagnostic test; and
(f) medical assessment of records respecting the applicant.
Security and Criminality –
Here is the link for back ground checks (Security and Criminality Check) given by cic
Time duration differs from case to case for eg, no of countries lived in (more than 6 months),any crimes committed etc and these checks are done usually in groups
RFV Checks –
In RFV Check, they mainly look out for
i. Fees Receipt (RPRF)
ii. House Address
So once we pass all these checks our file will be in Final review Queue and we’ll get a status update as decision made.
Chest xray,height, weight,eye test,Bp check,general check up with doctor
All that you need for re medicals is
1.passport and copies of passport
2.2 photographs
3.the e mail that's been send by medical immigration officer
4. The attachment (re assessment form) you can find them in the e-mail
How To Apply For GCMS Notes:
Use this url for more information : http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/requests-atip.asp
On the above url,
1) Choose Apply Online and 2) Click on Apply online again
3) Select English and you will be redirected to a page where it has faqs.
4) At the end of the page,
5) Click next
6) Check the box I have read, understood and agree with the above Privacy
7) Notice and Click Continue
Cool Select Citizenship and Immigration Canada option under *Please select the Department where you would like to submit an Access to Information or Privacy request dropdown
Your relative will need to fill out the information as asked on that page. Click Continue
9) Select Access to Information under *What type of information are you requesting? dropdown
Select Case files under *Which type of records do you wish to request? dropdown
10) You will need to fill out your information. Select Notes in Electronic File under *What type of information would you like to request?
Under File Type, Select Immigration file : Permanent Residence. Click Continue
11) You will need to fill out a consent form. This form is available at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5744E.pdf , Print the form and fill out the information. you and spouse must sign mandatory if you are married. Also make sure you include your relatives information. Once signed and filled out. Scan and Attach the copy. Click Continue
12) You will get to the screen where you need to validate the information you provided
Check the box I certify that the information provided is true and wish to submit this request. and Click Continue. You will leave the government web site and will be redirected to a secure and trusted third party web site (E-xact Transactions Ltd.) where your payment will be processed. Your name, credit card number, credit card expiry date, credit card security code (CVV2) will be collected in order to process your payment. after you submit your request, an acknowledgement e-mail, along with a copy of your payment receipt, will be sent directly to the e-mail address provided .
Within 30 days of time we get the GCMS notes in case if the timeline has crossed you can e-mail to the below id
If the processing time has crossed follow the 3 steps:
1. Gcms notes which will help you to get clear picture of the file here is the link
2. Mp enquiry which will help to draw the attention towards your application
3. Case specific enquiry
Passport Submission:
Link For Canadian VFS Office In India:
a) Passport
b) 2 photos Link for spec : http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/3998E_tempA.pdf
c) E mail send by embassy
Check lists at the time of immigration: (2 copies)
Pass port with visa stamp
Copr papers (xerox copy )
B4 and b4a forms (VALUE AND TOTALED)(2 copies of list items accompanying and list of goods to be followed) fill it and get it printed
3 Passport size Photographs
Need to take the photos of jewellery, silvers (2 copies)
Bills of each article. (Silver and gold) (2 copies)
Pof ( cash,draft,latest bank statements) if any
Address application form that will be provided at the airport
B4/B4A form:
Make 2 copies of the b4 form