So now that we have SA and AIP....I sent fingerprints to FBI ...sent some other documents to CIC that they requested in their letter( hubbys FMEP acc statement and freshly filled background decl. - Schedule A).....So nos the most Daunting task of getting my Passport...I Have to go to Ottawa in PERSON from BC to apply for it (Is Bosnia the ONLY country in the World who makes people trave across whole Canada to apply for passport!? Grrr!!)..Anyways...being hers so long Bosnian ID and drivers licence have my Qs are:
1. Can I travel by plane w my Bosnian gvt issued ID (expitlred last year)?
If the answer is "No!"
Can I get BC drivers licence before I get OWP??? Or do I have go get OWP and then go apply for licence
So that I can then use it to go get this DAMN passport!
Can I travel w CIC letter that says I meet the Eligibility etc etc
1. Can I travel by plane w my Bosnian gvt issued ID (expitlred last year)?
If the answer is "No!"
Can I get BC drivers licence before I get OWP??? Or do I have go get OWP and then go apply for licence
So that I can then use it to go get this DAMN passport!
Can I travel w CIC letter that says I meet the Eligibility etc etc