I see you having some persistent interest in this website. I find this website very shady. Facts dont seem to be credible enough to be believed and often change based current scenario.
intensecool said:
It's exactly spot on, i am sure some other articles are legible and relevant too.
Just because one article or two matched future events does not mean they are credible... even a broken clock shows the correct time twice a day... same goes with prophecies, tarot cards... palm reading... and any "prediction" service... do not confuse coincidence with correlation.
intensecool said:
What would you like to say about this article they mentioned about their EXACT prediction of 490 CRS with 1000 ITA for the 42nd draw.
It's exactly spot on, i am sure some other articles are legible and relevant too.
not very long... they stopped sending invites in mid feb, so if we count till end of november, thats 9 months... 1000s of applicants would have entered the pool with 400+ points...
in all likelihood they will increase cut off from 400 to say 425, thats if they dont bring in a NOC specific nomination thingy, then lots of people are ****ed