Why 5000 ? ;D just 4000

Anyway, the total quota is 5500.
However, if we assume that file numbers are running for all streams , than they must have been issuing AORs for all applicants simultaneously, including paper-based steams. If that is true, there are around 1500 AORs left , and with the speed of 40 AORs per day they should finish sending it within 1.5 month.
I also think that around 10% of all apllicants are here on the forum. Looks at the Jan list: there are 163 people, if I'm correct, there would be something like 16046XX at the end of the list (it started with 16030XX). Feb list have 100~ people , so it would be 56XX. March list have 50 applicants which leads to 16061XX. ??? They might start new number line like 170xxxx when they will reach 1605500.
Another thing is that AORS are issued by temporary staff. But what permanent employees are doing? They have already checked March applicants coz most of them have been reviewed and accepted. So, I guess they are finishing those with expiring WP. When it is done, they will not have any other option but to start working on other applicants, starting with Oct 2015(or even Sep 2015 , which will cross a YEAR in 3 weeks

Otherwise, we have a problem as they have only 2700 nominations for EE stream.