Roxter said:
May I correct you that I was added to the list on 29 October update, page 291 and removed on 1 November, page 299 with description - no update from the member (those 2 or 3 days I had nothing to update). I'm not angry that I was deleted, maybe a little disappointed but not as much from you Raj as I was from this program. In fact I was in that group who was saying first Raj after that me, and I'm really happy for you and all from the November list who received ITA. For the rest of us who are stuck on this page I feel sorry but I'm not gonna fall in depression cause of that. In fact I'm turning a blank page tomorrow and one of the things that I'm going to do is to withdraw the POF from the bank and try my luck with investing in my own country. After all I don't come from that bad country and second, I don't have spare life to devote this one on willingness of Canada to accept my application. With this log and the unprofessional attitude of the employs, even receiving a Nomination is not a good sign, I already regret for the money for the application, and to throw extra money for maybe another year? No thank you. I do think that if something should've happen till now it would've happen. We all agree that if we knew the waiting for the whole procedure is that long, half from us would't apply in first place (lucky for them they have so legally undefined conditions (and all of us apply from third world countries) so we could not start a law suit) I've lost a hope to live in a country that see's my skills not good enough to offer me the chance to become their citizen ( and I do have decent education and experience) . Maybe after some time if I don't succeed here I will try again here in Europe but Canada is a finished story. For those of you willing to know my timeline, here it was. One truly wasted year.
FSW Outland
EE App Submitted: Oct/26/2015
OINP PT Notification: Oct/27/2015
OINP App Submitted: Nov/12/2015
OINP AOR Mar/11/2015
Please accept my sincerest apologies Roxter. I might have been removing a few people at that time, I might have removed yours too. Anyway, I'm pleased to let you know that your name has been reinstated in the list. Sorry again.
Here's the latest version of the list -->;msg5644979#msg5644979
Well, I totally understand your frustration but this is a really unfortunate situation that some of us have been thrown into. Nonetheless, IMHO, I believe you will forget the agony when you get your nomination and move ahead to submit the e-APR. I am looking forward to hear some good news from you and other members waiting here on this very thread for more than a year. No amount of words from me can console you or the other members at the moment but I am sure when you see that nomination e-mail, you'll be happy and forget all the hardships that this process has caused you. I would like to request you and all others to hang in there. You will get your nominations soon.
When I was waiting for my nomination, members here were so helpful and comforting. I wouldn't have survived the tension and the pressure if it were not for this forum. I take this opportunity to express my sincerest gratitude to all of you who were there with me and with each other during the rough times. I cannot forget the wishes y'all sent me after I got nominated

. Thanks for everything. I hope all of you see the light at the end of the tunnel very soon!
I wish all of you good luck and all the very best!