I just came across the Update (on another thread) : http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/en/pnp/OI_PNPNEW.html
It states
Question 1: I have already sent the application in November (see exact timelines below), where I have sentthe xerox copy of my and wife's ECA report. So, my understanding is that I do not have to provide anthing more?
What you have sent is correct. In addition to that, you will need to order a copy of your ECA to be directly sent to Ontario from your ECA issuing agency.
Question 2: About authorize an ECA to share information with the OINP : Is this a new/additional step require to be done by me? i.e. anything missing here?
Yes, this is a new requirement (Jan 11 update). Once you get an AOR, follow the instructions on the updates page to order a copy of the ECA to be sent to OINP directly.
I suggest applicants who are sending an application package now - after Jan 11, can order the ECA report to be directly sent to OINP upfront and include the receipt along with the application package.
My timelines:
EE profile (re-created) - 14th October, 2015
Ontario PT - 16th October, 2015
Documents sent - 3rd November, 2015
Documents received by Ontario - 5th November, 2015
AOR - Awaited
Nomination - Awaited
Both our applications have been received on the same date. Let's hope we get our AOR this week - its already late!
Good luck and all the very best