It was fun reading the rants about agents on a Sunday morning here...
To add on, for express entry I dont think agents are needed, its quite a simple process getting even simpler... At the end of last year even I was on the verge of hiring an agent, infact if he had given me the price I was looking for, i would have taken his services

Thank God he said take it or leave it, or he didnt follow up ? i dont remember... whatever
to hire an agent or not is a personal choice, as everyone suggested, just hire a good IRCC approved agent... and no - i dont mean y-axis, they are the worst... in my experience usually the larger organisation agents are the worst, they will literally tell you anything you need to hear just to get money in their pockets, then forget about you... i told this idiot friend of mine not to use their services and believe wahtever they say, but did he listen to me ?? noooooooooo....
the guy had a **** IELTS report, like CLB 7 or something, agent put his profile in EE and his points are 330 something, and the agent told him he is in the pool and for now just wait and watch... I was like dude - for 330, you wont get picked even if you are the popes son...
to him, i'm like the dream breaker... but I just showed him the truth, he didnt want to see it coz he had his eyes blinded by the story the agent showed him... settle in canada within 1 year, earn in dollars... all that jazz... i told the guy listen - the only way to improve the score is to write IELTS again, improve score, or get his wife to be primary applicant as she is 4 years younger... dont think they guy was ready to listen - for him I will always be the dream breaker lol...
i cant remember if he has talked to me since, probably not... but hey - his loss not mine