Thank you all for your inputs. I have a quick follow up question regarding documents. After filling out the online application form, in the documents section, the two mandatory documents requested are:Hi everyone. My father's visitor visa was approved back in 2019 and he had completed his biometrics as part of the process in December 2018. However, his passport expired last year and therefore, his Canadian visitor visa expired too. Couple of questions as I help him apply for a new visitor visa:
1. Is it the same process for a renewal as any other regular net new visitor visa application?
2. Should he now apply on the new portal?
3. Does he have to do his biometrics again? (been less than 5 yrs since the last one)
4. Will the process for my father be sooner since he's had a visitor visa in the past, including travel history to Canada?
Thank you!
1. National ID
2. Passport
... and that's it. Is this normal and based on certain responses (for example, my father visited Canada in the last 5 years)? There is space for 'additional documents' but no specific request for Financials, invite letter from me etc.
Want to make sure I'm doing this right and not missing anything. Thanks!