I have officially passed 200 days of waiting and it's really frustrating. I've called CIC on April 1st and had so satisfactory answer. Raised a CSE after the 6 months mark and got the same generic reply. I'm afraid to call them again and that backfires.
There is no sign my file is being processed, although they say it is. I'm still stuck on IP1, no ADR, and GCMS (got them on April 10th) shows eligibility as passed, but criminal and security shows as not started yet.
Don't know what to do anymore and the waiting is killing me...
FSW-O Brazil
Family of 2
AOR Oct 7th
MEP Nov 22nd
Nothing ever since
There is no sign my file is being processed, although they say it is. I'm still stuck on IP1, no ADR, and GCMS (got them on April 10th) shows eligibility as passed, but criminal and security shows as not started yet.
Don't know what to do anymore and the waiting is killing me...
FSW-O Brazil
Family of 2
AOR Oct 7th
MEP Nov 22nd
Nothing ever since