I got my gcms, and it's a little bit confusing, so I would like seniors to clarify if this correct/not
In the eligibility assessment section, it says due date : 2014/11/22.
Does this mean that the due date/latest/deadline for my application will be processed is on nov 22nd 2014?
On the assessments section it also says :
Eligibility : Passed
Criminality : Passed
Medical : In Progress.
On the Notes section however, there are some text inside the notes that says:
Note 1 - 2014/08/01:
Text: Application administratively reassigned due to previous officer departure. ***Batch Note
Note 2 - 2014/07/04:
Text: Meds for PA under review. BF 30 days
Note 3 - 2014/06/05:
Text: Application administratively reassigned due to previous officer departure
It seems like my application got moved around a lot because of the change of staffs lol.. and everything seems to be good except the medical that still in progress..
But my other question is about the text on 2nd note.. what exactly does it mean "BF on BF 30 days" Anybody knows?