Hi, do we have to submit the hard copy of the signature image or only the digital copy? Does anyone know a good place like a photo studio or scanning shop in Toronto/GTA where we can get the signature image scanned exactly as per OCI specifications?
Also, does the profession letter need to be a letter from the employer or a self-written cover letter would be fine? And does the occupation get printed on the OCI card?
Once you enter the information(name, place of birth, passport details etc..) on the OCI website, you will be asked to upload your photo and signature. After this you will be asked to upload the passport copy, surrender certificate, citizenship certificate, marriage certificate, Work/Experience letter etc. Self attestation is not required for uploaded supporting document
Walmart (you can mention to them the photo specification) is a good option to get your photographs clicked, take a picture through your phone for digital copy. For the signature sign on a paper and take a photo/scan of the signature.
At the end you can download the copy of the application form which will have the photo and signature.
This printed form along with the hard copy of the photo has to be submitted to BLS.
We provided the letter issued by the company. Letter was uploaded to the OCI website along with the other documents mentioned above. But when we took the letter to BLS for submission in person, they returned it back as it was not required... Documents that you will submit to BLS need to be self attested.
For Adult Application we uploaded the following on the OCI website:
- CURRENT PASSPORT - Combine pdf and include (first page) of the Canadian Passport and citizenship certificate(front and back)
- SPOUSE PASSPORT- Combine pdf and include (first page) of the Canadian Passport and citizenship certificate(front and back) (if you are married)
- PREVIOUS INDIAN PASSPORT OF SELF - Combine pdf and include (first and last page) of the Indian Passport and Surrender Certificate
There are tools like:
https://imageresizer.com/ to adjust the dimension of the photo and signature
https://www.ilovepdf.com/compress_pdf to compress the size of the pdf (supporting documents) that you will upload