My OCI Application experience:
I filled all the forms online at the
OCI-Services website.
I then uploaded the scanned photos and signatures after filling Part-A as prescribed on the website.
Then I filled Part-B and uploaded the following documents as required.
- Current Passport: Canadian Passport
- Indian Origin Proof: Indian passport with cancelled and surrendered stamp
- Indian Visa: CoPR with stamp of landing
- Marriage Certificate (for self and spouse as well as for our son)
Then I clicked on Final Submit to submit the applications
Physical documents I carried to day to BLS:
- The checklist
- Printout of the online application form
- Original Surrender Certificate (took original, but they asked for a copy and returned the original)
- Indian Passport (Original and copy - Original was returned)
- Citizenship certificate (Original and copy - Did not look at original at all)
- Canadian passport (Original and copy - Did not look at original at all)
- Draft for $345 (Individual drafts for each application)
- Photo (Physical photo that was uploaded above)
I walked in to BLS 5 minutes before my time slot. The guard at the door asked if I had an appointment and for what service. I mentioned it was for OCI (though it was for visa) and she confirmed my name. She then let me in and gave me a token. There were 4 people before me in line.
When I reached the counter, I asked her if I could submit 3 applications and she said yes, I could. So I started submitting one by one.
I faced some minor issues as below:
- I had used a thumb impression for my son who will turn 18 later this year. She asked if I wanted to used his signature instead. I said that he would prefer that, so I uploaded his signature and reprinted the form.
- My form's barcode did not get printed at the bottom of the first page due to the A4/Letter conversion, so I had to reprint the form
- I had reprinted my wife's application but forgotten to get her to sign it. Since she hadn't come with us today, I was sure I would have to go back and get her to sign it - but the lady at the counter said that if my wife could print it at home and send me a scanned copy of the page, she would accept that. So that is what I did.
So not a bad experience at all - in fact I was pleasantly surprised by the whole experience. Thank you, Priyanka at counter 2.
Documents that were returned.
- The checklists
- All CoPR copies
- All Originals ibcluding surrender certificates
- The pages with instructions
- Our Marriage certificate from our son's application.
Notes on returned documents: This was my experience so please carry all the documents and let them return them to you rather than not carrying them. Also all documents that were stapled together were unstapled when accepting them - so don't worry about stapling documents together.
She also confirmed that it would take 2 months to process the OCI and that it would be sent to my home. I could have contested the courier charge but since I am happier with it being couriered, I did not protest.
She also asked me if I wanted tracking on my application for an additional $5 which I refused.
Now it's just wait and watch. I'll keep everyone updated on the progress. Thanks to all who have provided invaluable help on this forum at all stages of the process - from PR application --> citizenship --> Passports --> Surrender/OCI.