This could indicate the document is ready for dispatch. If Purolator does not show it yet, you may still be in luck and could pickup from BLS.
BLS status is not always reliable and several people have faced missing updates for "Counter delivery.." or "ready for dispatch.." or no tracking number even after dispatched.
The rest is opinionated, but I'll still say it:
Its quite possible that BLS had your OCI yesterday when they sent you away. Or they received it this morning but failed to update status. In my experience, their work ethics is poor, and not always do what they claim to have done -- like really checked your document was in or not or really put a hold on your courier when you requested etc. Also when they say things like it will take 2-3 weeks after "processed", its just BS. Do not fall for it, and request to talk to a knowledgeable agent or to a supervisor. There are good people in there who are helpful and knows their work.