Will get it very soon.elen1984 said:I had my test on July 23rd, 2014
I'm still waiting for oath letter :'( :'(
Will get it very soon.elen1984 said:I had my test on July 23rd, 2014
I'm still waiting for oath letter :'( :'(
Be blessed my friend.elen1984 said:You are right beauhoe, the first think we wanna from Santa is the Brown envelope ;D ;D, then ,passport , visit family , and ,,,, ::
many plans in my head , just we take the things step by step , all we need some patients and smiling
beauhoe said:I would like to wish you all a happy weekend. Please forget about waiting, brown envelope, QR, CIT-0520, fingerprints, oath ceremony and passport among others. Just relax and enjoy good times with relatives and friends.
Once again happy weekend to all my friends!
OttawaBuddy said:Hi beauhoe, Ottawa2013
That's for you now. Pretty sure you will love this song
Wolverine said:Hi Everyone!
I filed my citizenship application in the summer of 2012, got an RQ almost right away and have been waiting for an update ever since. Fortunately, last week I received an invitation to write the test next week. My husband and I have a 2 week trip booked in May and now I am worried that there's a chance that my oath might overlap with the dates of the trip (it's already paid for and it's quite expensive, sort of a one in a lifetime thing for us). I know that I am getting ahead of myself, but do you know if it's possible to reschedule your oath ceremony for a later date? I don't want to sound like I don't appreciate the citizenship itself, it's very important for me - but to cancel our trip at this point would cost us a lot of money.
Any trip will not be considered as a good reason.OTTAWA2013 said:HELLO
IF you DO NOT attend this event at the above date, time, place, you will have to either
1- file a new application for citizenship
2- or convince the Judge you could not attend for a good reason within 60 days of above date
Dear Wolverine,Wolverine said:Hi Everyone!
I filed my citizenship application in the summer of 2012, got an RQ almost right away and have been waiting for an update ever since. Fortunately, last week I received an invitation to write the test next week. My husband and I have a 2 week trip booked in May and now I am worried that there's a chance that my oath might overlap with the dates of the trip (it's already paid for and it's quite expensive, sort of a one in a lifetime thing for us). I know that I am getting ahead of myself, but do you know if it's possible to reschedule your oath ceremony for a later date? I don't want to sound like I don't appreciate the citizenship itself, it's very important for me - but to cancel our trip at this point would cost us a lot of money.
I agree!OttawaBuddy said:Answer - NO.
Any trip will not be considered as a good reason.
What a great news! I am so happy for you.freemind66 said:Browny came !!!December 11 ceremony ...
Good luck for all ....
O'Canada .... love that song