For what it's worth, I gave fingerprints on Feb 6. The RCMP call centre said they were told to say it's mailed on Feb 21, but it was actually mailed out
by Feb 21 (at the latest). He said they didn't have a way to track it more granularly.
I think my fingerprints were very early into this RCMP mess, so it's possible mine went out much earlier than yours once they resolved it. I was calling daily. They told me they resolved it on Feb 19 and they would be mailed out by Feb 21.
I probably just got lucky with being on the top of a very large pile, and I'm sure Vancouver is still working through a backlog, since they had to have gotten a giant stack of fingerprint results ranging from at least Feb 6 to Feb 19.
@Sevou @mesmerizer85 @DocumentJourney