A liar degree??
You are right, I honestly do not care about Liberal or what so ever, I just want to re-unite with my family, and it's taking forever !! It's just more than upsetting, I really want the people who are making these decision to experience half of what we experience here. Can they stay away from their family and beloved once for 6 months ? It's not easy and the processing time should way faster, especially during a pandemic where you need your loved once beside you. I hope all the best for everyone ! I can not wait anymore !!! The Government have advised us not to travel, and they have not helped us to achieve these guidelines, it's makes me sick.If it's not liberal govt. these processing would've been taken 2-3 years instead of 1 year. And the lawyer degree is important, the minister himself will not do coding. He job is governing and policy making.
I know you are upset but point you anger to the right direction.