At this stage anything’s helpful. I’ve not seen your specific request but from the requests others have posted they’re after marriage photos that show before, during and after the wedding. Is this what your request asks for?
I’d include:
- Selfies of the two of you.
- Photographs of the two of you and your families at the wedding.
- Pictures of the two of you taken by friends.
- Pictures before the wedding.
- Pictures of you two signing the contract (this will be a really good one to have)
Lastly, you really want to write a statement about the lack of post wedding images due to you returning to Canada. Throw more personal detail in to it as you see fit.
Thanks Josh. This is what i've been asked for;
>Marriage photos: If you were married according to the rites, customs, and/or traditions
of this country, please submit printed photos of the principal applicant and the sponsor with
relatives and friends. Photos submitted should include photos of the wedding ceremony and
customary celebrations. Please make sure to submit photographs of the bride and groom walking
around the Holy Fire.
> Client Information: Please provide photos taken of the principal applicant and the
sponsor together on other occasions, after the wedding. This includes outings and travel together.
Also can i just email them to the email they provided ? they provided a link to case specific enquiry as well if i may wanna use that. So not sure, if i have to do both or just email that info would be good. Thank you