No hate here but I have to ask, why do some leave jobs / sell assets before finding out the result of the application? I know you've mentioned POF so I understand the car sale. Financial assets can be used as POF btw. I'v had the same urge to go leave my job and prepare myself to migrate BUT the logical move is to keep your job and assets until your odds of being accepted is already close to 100pct. I know we can't turn back time but (taking long or even not being accepted) is a risk that has to be prepared for. Truth is, we're already lucky enough to even be allowed to try to move to their country and any 'hard time' and inconvenience to us while waiting is in not on them (especially if its because of our decision to leave our jobs etc etc). I think of any inconvenience as part of the price of the move. Stay positive!Sorry to hear that....this is exactly what I was trying to convey...not debating with anyone...but some people are commenting about having no patience at all. My close friend has sold her car and stocks, liquidated her assets for POF and in a similar situation like you...I hope u get ur ppr soon and move to canada asap
On a lighter note, I hope we get updates or even our results this week! Cheers everyone!