They can work on the application faster, Bt they r jus stupid to put the file on their desk Cos it’s 12 months processing time. Scarborough working faster than Mississauga and Brampton which I believe they have more applications than Mississauga... I don’t mind to write my test at open field or party hallGuys, Mississauga/Brampton is a pain ... can I request all the Mississauga/Brampton applicants to mention their location when they receive their test invite ..we all can look forward if it starts to move. It is very frustrating to see 25% of the November applicants finish their test while just 2 applicants from 44 Mississauga / Brampton applicants get their test invite which is less than 5%.
I am assuming calling the help desk does not really work - but if we have to is there a number we should reach out ? I read about some requesting notes on their application do they help?