family class sponsorship
Hi All......i got email form imm canada but i don't understand..someone help me plz!
Dear xxxxxxxxxxx:

I am completing the assessment of your application for permanent residence as a member of the family class' I have determined that you nray not meet the requirem"nt, ro. immigration to canada.
Subsection l2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act s.tatesthat a foreign national may be selected as a member of the family class onihi basis of their reiationship as the spouse, common-law partner, child, parent or other prescribed family member of a Canadian .itir"n or'p".n1un.rt resident.
Section I l7(l) of the Immigration and Refugee_Protection Regulations. defines who is a member of the
A foreign national is a m"mbeiof the family "rui-rt with respect ,o u ,ponro., rhe foreign
(a) the sponsor's spouse, common_law partner or conjugal partner;
You have not provided a marriage certificate is.sued 9v !h: Ethiopian govemment marriage to proof that your is registered pursuant
to Section 6 article 28"itr,#irriXpian Revised Family code. As a result, do not meet the definition of a member of the family "lu*
Subsection I l(1) of the Act provides
that a fo.*iqr national must, before entering canada, apply to an
for a visa or any other document requiredly trt"."lrrutions. The visa or document shall be issued following an examination, the officer is satisfiei tnut trrE il[igr national is not inadmissible and meets the requirements of this Act. For the reasons set out above, I am iot satisfied that you are not inadmissible and that you meet the requirements of the Act. I will thereiore refuse your application.
I would like to give you an opportunity to respond to this information. I will afford you 60 days from the of this letter to make iny representations in this ."!u.J. ri.use use the address noted at the top of the
for all correspondeni" una clearly indicate yoJr irte numuer. If you do not respond to this the time outlined above, we will make a decision on your file based on the information available.