Had my test today, these are my observations:
1. Test was at 10:30, but people have been lining up since 10:00, that's when I went there. But it could be possible some people came even an hour earlier!!!

There were 20 to 30 people for this test session. I bet most of them do not give a hoot about our forums and never even visited these sites. They were very typical applicants who never accessed a "support group" like ours.
2. For fellow Calgarians, here's a tip. The notice says the suite # is 221 in Hary Hay's building. But you will have to go to suite # 210 in the Hary Hay's building. If it is any help, it is next to the small restaurant in the second floor. If you use the escalators, it is on your right hand side as soon as you climb up, past the "front-desk" kind of setup.
3. For calgary it seems like the document checking and interview happens before the test. We stood in line and got this done.
4. Interview was smooth. Interviewer was very nice. For some family that had toddlers along, she even offered to have the couples take the test 1 at a time in the morning and afternoon. Quite a bit of standing invovled, was difficult for someone like me who have back problems. The big pictures of citizens from the past centuries hanged up in the walls on the foyer kept me engaged oblivious of the pain every now and then. When we all were done and have to start the test, it was an hour later than the scheduled time at which we were supposed to write the test.
5. Test was in my opinion not super easy. The questions required attention but the answers were obviously visible. I took enough time, closer to 20 minutes to hand over my test. Got 20/20. The book and more importantly the test sites (Apna Toronto mainly) helped a lot.
6. I was let known about my score right there. Then I left.
Now the wait is for oath. Hopefully it happens faster.