Thanks informatics

I was there too early at 7:50 am, the door didn't open until 8:15am. Totally about 50 people took the test, I didn't see anyone over the age of 55.
When we walked into the room, one of the officials asked us to prepare our IDs; including landing documents, PR card, passports and a piece of Alberta ID. She also asked us to have a seat, they will call our name to go for the interview and verify our documents. Families were separated, they were not allowed to sit together.
My test room was in a conference room on the main floor. There were 3 officials, one male and two females.
When one of the female officials called my name, not BATMAN okay ;D ;D, I went to meet with her. She asked me for my IDs and asked me about 5 or 6 generic questions. The official was very nice and friendly. I was nervous and shaking, she said that you are very nervous and told me to take a deep breath. My interview and document verification took about 3 minutes. Some people took a longer time.
We started our written tests at about 9:50am, one of the female officials explained the exam rules and procedures.
There were a couple of people that finished in around 3 minutes, me too, but I took another 2 minutes to double check my exam. After we were done the test and handed in our answers to a CIC Clerk, we left the room and she passed our tests to a different official for marking.
We waited outside of the test room for the test results. The female official who interviewed me got 5 peoples' results in our group and told us our scores. She also told us that we all passed the test and we should wait for 1 to 3 months for the oath invitation letter.
It will be your turn soon dude, good luck!