they do give u points for part time study, but for correspondence i am not sure. how ever if u r nt sure calculate points based on ur full time qualification.
below is the details for which cic is awarding u points.
hope it helps.
Points are awarded for earned educational credentials as well as the number of years of full‑time studies or full‑time equivalent studies. To be awarded points, you must meet both stated criteria.
Full‑time studies: At least 15 hours of instruction per week during the academic year. This includes any period of workplace training that forms part of the course.
Full‑time equivalent studies: If you completed a program of study on a part‑time or accelerated basis, count the length of time it would have taken to complete the program on a full‑time basis.
Use the chart below to determine your points. If you have not completed the number of years of study that correspond to your highest educational credential, award yourself points based on the number of years of study.
Example 1: If you have a Master’s degree but have completed only 16 years of full‑time study, award yourself 22 points.
Example 2: If you have a four‑year Bachelor’s degree and have completed 14 or more years of study, award yourself 20 points.
Master’s or PhD AND at least 17 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study 25
Two or more university degrees at the Bachelor’s level AND at least 15 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study 22
A three-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship AND at least 15 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study 22
A university degree of two years or more at the Bachelor’s level, AND at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study 20
A two-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship AND at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study 20
A one-year university degree at the Bachelor’s level AND at least 13 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study 15
A one-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship AND at least 13 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study 15
A one year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship AND at least 12 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study 12
Secondary school (also called high school) 5