Below is the response from my research on CPA ------ dated Feb. 2015 ---- when i was enthusiastic from having PER

------ now just waiting & praying :-[
Hi Ali,
Please see the attached document which outlines the path for internationally designated accountants.
Amanda Ramsey B.Comm.
Admissions Advisor
aramsey @
D. 403.231.8074
Alberta Accountants Unification Agency
Suite 300, 1210 8 Street SW, Calgary AB CANADA T2R 1L3
T. 403.269.5341 F. 403.262.5477
-------- attachment reads as under --------
Information for International Designates contacting PREP offices
Thank you for your interest in the CPA program. To have your credentials assessed for the CPA program under the International Designate entry path, please follow the steps listed below.
To apply in the CPA Program:
Step 1: Create an online CPA PEP profile via website
Step 2: Log onto the MyCPA portal at using your CPA username and password; click on the tab “My Profile” and select “Post-Secondary Education” to add all relevant educational credentials for assessment
Step 3: Click on the tab “Program Admission” and select “Transcript Assessment” to request a new International Transcript Assessment.
Step 4: Once your assessment has been submitted, the CPA Western School of Business (CPAWSB) will send out a communication pertaining to detailed documentation required including the fillable forms for the international designate assessment process.
After you apply for the assessment:
The CPAWSB will begin your assessment once all the required documents are received. Therefore, in order to expedite the assessment process and to help us determine any possible exemptions, we advise you to begin gathering the preliminary information required for the assessment.
• a detailed resume outlining your employment and education history;
• a Letter of Good Standing confirming that you are a member in good standing;
• a transcript directly from the international accounting organization(s) indicating when you completed the qualifying exam(s) for your accounting designation;
• degree evaluation sent directly from evaluating service, as detailed below (if you have a post-secondary degree).
Degree Evaluation: If you have a university degree, you will need to have the degree evaluated for equivalence to a Canadian degree. Three organizations offer this evaluation: the International Qualification Assessment Service (IQAS), the International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES) and World Education Service (WES). You will need to request a Basic Assessment from one of these services. You can find more information on their websites:
• IQAS -
• ICES -
• WES –
Please arrange to have the issuing institution mail a copy of the verification report directly to CPA Western School of Business, Suite 301, 1253 – 91 ST SW, Edmonton, AB, T6X 1E9.
At minimum, all international applicants will be required to complete Canadian Tax and Business Law courses. While we assess your documents to determine any possible exemptions, we advise that you get started and enroll in the CPA Prerequisite Education Program (PREP) to complete both the Canadian Tax and Business Law prerequisites.
If you have any questions on the eligibility criteria for international designate entrance path, please direct your queries to the CPA Western School of Business, attention Stella at cpaapplication @
Good day Ali,
Thank you for your email. In order to assist you we have a website with information for internationally trained accountants and students. This website will take you through step by step instructions on how to apply to become a CA. You can find the website at:
On the homepage you should see a button labeled "Here's how" which will ask you a couple of questions to direct you to the correct information. The information is laid out in a step by step format which will guide you through exactly what needs to be done, provides you with the forms that you need to submit, and the appropriate contact person at each of the institutes to submit to.
For specific questions, please contact the Provincial Institute which best suits you :
Thank you for contacting the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada,
Dee Nicholson
Customer Service Representative / Représentant à la clientèle
Member Services / Services aux membres
dnicholson @
Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada / Comptables professionnels agréés du Canada
277 Wellington St. West, Toronto ON CANADA M5V 3H2
T. 416.204.3370 F. 416.204.3416
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