If you check our SS very well, u will discover dat almost all may, june and part of july applicants who had their PER in july, august and this september have bn issued MR. Starting with floxzy, about 18 applicants have bn issued MR as at sept. 15 who are on this forum. So for argument sake lets assume 18 apps have also bn issued MR outside this forum as at seot 15 then it means 36 apps hv already had their MR as at sept 15. Also average of 3 apps were issued MR on a daily basis till sept 15(within and outside this forum). On the CIC website they have 24 Pps, 26 apps and 36 apps( 3 of July app fell within sept PER date) for may, june and july respectively of which totals 53 apps who had their PER at best sept 2013, then what it means is that 53 minus 36 will leave us with 19 apps who shd recv MR this month of which five of them are on this forum. On this forum we only have abt 5 pple who are yet to hv MR or may be not reported it. They r Gofame, pickabeau, dada-karma, thebaft and eagle 1. That's why we are not seeing much activities on this forum.
I blv by now they shd have started rest of july since most july apps(99 percent) fall within october PER, but again I think may be they want to delay it till October when they are actually one year after PER. I think the same will go for august, sept etc apps. Who had their PER in november, december, etc.
AVO is very funny becos we all know even with this analysis they don't operate by the rule of the thumb and therefore may start off on july applicants who had PER in october and might even pick from other months. AVO may even start issuing MR to rest of July apps this months. Lets wait and see! My prayer is that AVO move speedily in our favour and no one will be left behind in Jesus name. Amen!