My forums peoples I am greet all of yous Merry Christmas with the love heart of God and Allah. Unto us a pikin is borns, and joy to the worlds for we King is come. We alls will continuous to rejoice for this Christmas, for the Almighty is kepted us alive till today, wether PR is come or not, we give Baba God glories.
I am wishings you alls a happiness new year, God will pump PRs this new years that we is enters on Wednesday, all forums members who is wait for updates will be receive it IJMN, no parson who is start this journey will get engine knockings, it can be go slows, but you must reach Canada city.
I am part of yous, my Canada city stories is not completeness without mention of this great forums. I was not come since because of some strong things which man sometime is take eyeses experience for lifes

. Welldone my peoples and thank for ask of me,
Oma Gabil,
Dada-Karma, and my paddy man
Jodav3. .
Naija Pikin and
OMOGE is greeted all of yous too. thank sir