congrat MAKY as you and families is land for canada city. no more worry agains, all the palaver is overs. old things is pass away. Baba God is dey kampe for HIM throne.
as for the IOM Nigeria office peoples, they are rude pass rudeness, in short they are very ruded. if you hears the insult the peoples is give me the day me and my families is travel go canada city, your earses will not contains thems. that phone which they are bang on you, they are bang it for my earses pass knockout banger. i don't know if the peoples is always use gun powder to drink tea.
anyway my peoples you still fit to use them, but start for early time, take sense and follows them, answer them ma?, sir?, until you conclusion your ticketses. it is we who is find cheaps ticketses that our hand is longs ( it is poverbs

after we have lands for canada city, let the IOM Nigeria peoples come and tries that nonsense