by the time i woke up, it was morning... then i was told Francomaj came around with Pounded Yam for me
. but i was fast asleep... they knocled and knocked but i was far away...
I finally saw Oga francomaj the following morning and he sacrificed his whole day for me.: he took me to get my SIn nos, register for medicare insurance, open a bank acct, and to get a phone line all in one day... hs assistance was massive... he ggave me a lecture on aw to use the metro cos all the metro and buses av codes which indicates their route...
he hlped me chose a good line that allows for unlimited incomming calls and unlimited outgoing calls within quebec. no charges for receiving internationa calls, unlimited free text mssges etc for 25CAD monthly charge with the option of 10CAD monthly refund if i pay with credit card. great.... Oga Francomaj really made the whole thing siplified for me... in-between all these he had to rush to attend to some things and me i haste to begin knowing my surrounding, i took of ( ihavent gotten line then so it was difficult for us to locate).. but he finally found me cos me i dindnt see him cos my head was like freezing and my eyes i could hardly open it ;D ;D