Hi everyone! I'm Michael, I've just returned from Japan with my wife who is a Japanese national. We have a son.
After six calls today I got through to an agent and asked my initial questions. It's been explained to me that we'd best do an inland application because we don't have the resources to fly to Tokyo at arbitrary notice for our interview(s). So bring on the delays! I'm thankful to everyone here who's posted of their experiences and the tips they've shared. This is invaluable, as it gives hope at least (which CIC fails to do, I have to say).
My questions are these.
1. On form 1344A, page 2 section C it lists a spot for dependent children. I am not sponsoring my son, he's a Canadian by birth. Must I list him? If I must, should I indicate that he is a Canadian citizen on the form (I'll be including the required passport and citizen card scans, naturally).
2. If I printed some of the material from my son's website @ kenny.emuu.net or my own journal @ emuu.net/journal.php, would CIC accept such materials as proof that our wedding is legitimate?
3. Similarly, has anyone had luck getting attestations from friends and bosses as to the legitimacy of a marriage?
Thanks for any hints. m(-_-)m
After six calls today I got through to an agent and asked my initial questions. It's been explained to me that we'd best do an inland application because we don't have the resources to fly to Tokyo at arbitrary notice for our interview(s). So bring on the delays! I'm thankful to everyone here who's posted of their experiences and the tips they've shared. This is invaluable, as it gives hope at least (which CIC fails to do, I have to say).
My questions are these.
1. On form 1344A, page 2 section C it lists a spot for dependent children. I am not sponsoring my son, he's a Canadian by birth. Must I list him? If I must, should I indicate that he is a Canadian citizen on the form (I'll be including the required passport and citizen card scans, naturally).
2. If I printed some of the material from my son's website @ kenny.emuu.net or my own journal @ emuu.net/journal.php, would CIC accept such materials as proof that our wedding is legitimate?
3. Similarly, has anyone had luck getting attestations from friends and bosses as to the legitimacy of a marriage?
Thanks for any hints. m(-_-)m