Hi Charlem!

thank you for replying to my post. I am fairly new here, i usually just read up comments and fill me with information needed. But there are cases that are very specific like mine, and it's hard to find answers.
A little background, my fiance is now on his ppr and expecting a visa (God's will) in a few weeks. Our plan is he will land in Canada by May, and I will go there with tourist visa by June, we will get married there, stay for 3 weeks and get back home in Manila. Once we get the marriage certificate and his PR card, we will apply already for sponsorship. Considering everything goes as planned. My questions are:
1.) Is the marriage certificate that we'll get from marriage in Canada a sufficient document enough for our union? I mean i know i still need to provide proofs like photos etc that you have a genuine relationship. But I mean as an official document? Do i need to get any document from Philippines or register our marriage of some sort here in Philippines so we will be distinguished by our government? (This part here is not very clear yet to me) I don't intend to change my last name by the way.
2.) I am not required to change my last name right? I just don't want to deal with the horrible;e timeline when processing documents here in manila
3.) Is there a required salary for my soon to be husband before he can sponsor me?
4.) While is Canada, can I get my medical as well? Is it advisable to get upfront medical there or here in Manila?
That's all i can think of right now. Did i miss anything? Thank you for your time. God bless