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New immigrant in Canada need to work


Star Member
Jan 1, 2010
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I moved to Canada a couple months ago (illegally), living with my girlfriend now(fell in love, long story), and now need to make some money here. I dont have a trade or degree or anything. What can I do so that I can work here? Any info. would be much appreciated. Thanks!


VIP Member
Sep 14, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Visa Office......
CIC Etobocoke, H&C Grounds
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
File Transfer...
Med's Request
24-02-2015, PR Card Received: 02-04-2015
if you are illegal in Canada, I don't think you can get a job there until you change your status.


Champion Member
Sep 3, 2009
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The only way would be to leave Canada and then apply for a work permit from abroad.

acer925 said:
I moved to Canada a couple months ago (illegally), living with my girlfriend now(fell in love, long story), and now need to make some money here. I dont have a trade or degree or anything. What can I do so that I can work here? Any info. would be much appreciated. Thanks!


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Jan 1, 2010
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Suin said:
if you are illegal in Canada, I don't think you can get a job there until you change your status.
doesn' that take like at least 4 years to legally become a citizen in Canada? Can I change my status faster than that here? Thanks


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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Do you at least have visit status or did you sneak in?

If you marry your girlfriend, as long as she is a citizen or PR, she can sponsor you for PR but it will not happen fast. If you apply to have your application processed in Canada, it takes at least 6 months to get a work permit and if they don't believe it's a real marriage, short relationship history etc., then it can take up to a few years. If you apply to get processed in your homeland, the processing time depends on the country, could be from 3 months to a year.

If your country qualifies for any kind of working holiday visa, that could be the fastest way to get a work permit. Otherwise, you have to apply for jobs and ask the employer to apply for a labour market opinion for you so that you can apply for a work permit. You may need to leave Canada to get the work permit issued.


Champion Member
Sep 3, 2009
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Well, you can't go straight for citizenship. You'd either have to be sponsored for PR or apply for a temporary work permit.

acer925 said:
doesn' that take like at least 4 years to legally become a citizen in Canada? Can I change my status faster than that here? Thanks


Star Member
Jan 1, 2010
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Leon said:
Do you at least have visit status or did you sneak in?

If you marry your girlfriend, as long as she is a citizen or PR, she can sponsor you for PR but it will not happen fast. If you apply to have your application processed in Canada, it takes at least 6 months to get a work permit and if they don't believe it's a real marriage, short relationship history etc., then it can take up to a few years. If you apply to get processed in your homeland, the processing time depends on the country, could be from 3 months to a year.

If your country qualifies for any kind of working holiday visa, that could be the fastest way to get a work permit. Otherwise, you have to apply for jobs and ask the employer to apply for a labour market opinion for you so that you can apply for a work permit. You may need to leave Canada to get the work permit issued.
I think I have visit status, I came in with passport/luggage, they didnt stamp anything but I think they put something in on the computer because I got asked a bunch of questions. She said that im legally allowed to stay here for 6 months, like I could go back and forth without them saying anything but that is almost up. I read a little about the sponser thing, Im not sure if she makes enough money right now to sponser me, she sells real estate but its like not consistant..unless I totally misunderstood that. I guess I could apply to see if she could sponser me for PR, just so its in process at least, which application would that be, just citizenship app? and we would have to be married first before I apply right? my homeland is the states, im not sure which would be faster? Thanks


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Jan 1, 2010
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Karlshammar said:
Well, you can't go straight for citizenship. You'd either have to be sponsored for PR or apply for a temporary work permit.
how long would it take to obtain a temporary work permit? where can I get an application for that? That seems like it would be easier then getting sponsored I think, unless theres a lot of details which I'm sure there are. Thanks.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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Do not complicate your case by staying illegally. You need to apply for a visit visa extension before your 6 months are up. You can find the forms at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/visitor.asp

Your other option would be to leave before your 6 months are up and then come back. Sometimes that works but there is no guarantee that you will get back in. They might ask if you have ties to the US, a job in the US to go back to and if not, they may think you are a risk of overstaying and may not let you back in.

If you marry your girlfriend, she can sponsor you for PR. She does not need to prove income to sponsor you. There will be a lot of details applying for that but that's how immigration works.


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Jan 1, 2010
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Leon said:
Do not complicate your case by staying illegally. You need to apply for a visit visa extension before your 6 months are up. You can find the forms at

Your other option would be to leave before your 6 months are up and then come back. Sometimes that works but there is no guarantee that you will get back in. They might ask if you have ties to the US, a job in the US to go back to and if not, they may think you are a risk of overstaying and may not let you back in.

If you marry your girlfriend, she can sponsor you for PR. She does not need to prove income to sponsor you. There will be a lot of details applying for that but that's how immigration works.
Yes thats what I had planned and must do is get the extension. Do you know how long it would take for me to be a PR if we get married? Im from the states. Thanks a lot Leon.


VIP Member
Sep 14, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Visa Office......
CIC Etobocoke, H&C Grounds
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
File Transfer...
Med's Request
24-02-2015, PR Card Received: 02-04-2015
you can check application timelines here:



Champion Member
Sep 3, 2009
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All the information on how to apply and how long it usually takes can be found on www.cic.gc.ca

Good luck!

acer925 said:
how long would it take to obtain a temporary work permit? where can I get an application for that? That seems like it would be easier then getting sponsored I think, unless theres a lot of details which I'm sure there are. Thanks.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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acer925 said:
Yes thats what I had planned and must do is get the extension. Do you know how long it would take for me to be a PR if we get married? Im from the states. Thanks a lot Leon.
If you apply outland, the application first goes to Mississauga where it takes around a month to approve your wife as your sponsor. She doesn't have to prove income but she can't be bankrupt or on welfare. After that, the application will go to Buffalo and be processed there, average about 6 months so total about 7 months to get the PR.

You can find both those timelines at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/canada/process-in.asp#sponsorship and http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/international/05-fc-spouses.asp#west

If you apply inland, the application goes to Vegreville and if all goes well, you would get first stage approval in about 6 months, see http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/canada/process-in.asp#perm_res At that point you would be able to apply for an open work permit or you could actually send the open work permit application with the full package so you get it automatically. If all goes well, you could have your PR in a year to 18 months.

However, there are two big downsides with inland. 1. you are not advised to travel because if you can't get back into to Canada, you lose your application and 2. if it doesn't go well and they decide they want an interview, you will not be granted your first stage approval after 6 months, instead your application would be sent to the local office where it may sit for 1-3 years waiting for them to have time for this interview. If that happened, that would basically mean you would be stuck in Canada without a work permit and without health care.

You will find the forms for both outland and inland at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/spouse-apply-how.asp#step1

For outland use the forms where it says: "If your spouse, partner or dependent child lives abroad, use the Application to Sponsor a Member of the Family Class."

Or if you want to apply inland inspite of the possible problems, use the forms where it says: "If your spouse, partner or accompanying dependent child lives with you in Canada, use the Application for Permanent Residence in Canada—Spouse or Common-law Partner."

Do not think that you have to apply inland just because you are currently in Canada. It is always your right to apply outland. You can give your address in Canada or give an address in the US and a mailing address in Canada.


Star Member
Jan 1, 2010
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Leon said:
If you apply outland, the application first goes to Mississauga where it takes around a month to approve your wife as your sponsor. She doesn't have to prove income but she can't be bankrupt or on welfare. After that, the application will go to Buffalo and be processed there, average about 6 months so total about 7 months to get the PR.

You can find both those timelines at

If you apply inland, the application goes to Vegreville and if all goes well, you would get first stage approval in about 6 months, see At that point you would be able to apply for an open work permit or you could actually send the open work permit application with the full package so you get it automatically. If all goes well, you could have your PR in a year to 18 months.

However, there are two big downsides with inland. 1. you are not advised to travel because if you can't get back into to Canada, you lose your application and 2. if it doesn't go well and they decide they want an interview, you will not be granted your first stage approval after 6 months, instead your application would be sent to the local office where it may sit for 1-3 years waiting for them to have time for this interview. If that happened, that would basically mean you would be stuck in Canada without a work permit and without health care.

You will find the forms for both outland and inland at

For outland use the forms where it says: "If your spouse, partner or dependent child lives abroad, use the
Or if you want to apply inland inspite of the possible problems, use the forms where it says: "If your spouse, partner or accompanying dependent child lives with you in Canada, use the

Do not think that you have to apply inland just because you are currently in Canada. It is always your right to apply outland. You can give your address in Canada or give an address in the US and a mailing address in Canada.

ok, now wouldn't it be easier to just obtain a work permit then? forget the PR if we get married, I cant wait 7 months to work, but what about a work permit/temporary work permit. That seems like its probably the fastest way no? Any info. on this, I would much appreciate it. Thank you.


VIP Member
Jul 27, 2009
acer925 said:
ok, now wouldn't it be easier to just obtain a work permit then? forget the PR if we get married, I cant wait 7 months to work, but what about a work permit/temporary work permit. That seems like its probably the fastest way no? Any info. on this, I would much appreciate it. Thank you.
You would have to look for an employer who will file for a LMO in your favor, then once you have a positive LMO apply for the WP. But seeing that you said:

I moved to Canada a couple months ago (illegally), living with my girlfriend now(fell in love, long story), and now need to make some money here. I dont have a trade or degree or anything. What can I do so that I can work here? Any info. would be much appreciated. Thanks!
you might have difficulty landing a job right now.