Hi Reet
Majority of the people in this forum are in the same situation as you are now.
Well for that matter even I dont have any one close enough to guide me. I am moving there with my family and like everybody I am also going to start a new life from ground zero. Infact, lets remember we are giving up whatever we have in our motherland and are out in search for greener pastures. So do not worry too much, be positive, and always think of good things. As we all know first six months will be an acid test for all new comers. The catch is not to get disheartened or depressed, if things do not go as planned. Being calm and composed is the key.
As far the livable places are concerned, every city/province has its own set of positives and challenges. Vancouver and Calgary are very expensive cities. I have spent hours on the web in researching about it. Mississauga is quite reasonable in terms of rentals, transportation, schools, and other stores. Infact, Mississagua is well connected to Toronto by both Bus and Trains. You may do your own research and share your thoughts in this forum. Lets hear from you soon about places to live
Hope this helps