I can speak from my experience and what I have seen so far in the forum for the past year!
From AOR2, it takes anywhere between 3-6 months.
But you said you submitted your pcc and schedule a on Sep 11. They need these to finish your criminality check. so please expect it to be over soon
Security check - I have read that it comes from CBSA and it does take time and I even saw a petition going around to speed the procedure. It depends on PA's travel history and location of residences after he/she turned 18. It generally gets done side by side with criminality check. But when I ordered my gcms notes, I saw it was not started but criminality check was passed
Eligibility- what do you see in the notes? you have to scroll down to the last few pages of the notes. I saw in mine "recommended waiver" and notes that said "Relationship appears to be genuine" and eligibility - was turned from "Recommend Passed" to In Process"
Please order one more set of notes mid of next month if you have not heard from NDVO. They are trying to clear straight-forward cases and I am sure you have a strong chance. Some of the representatives can be careless. From here on, call CIC once in a week just to hear the statuses. Also, you can withdraw consent to this representative.
Here is a link to cancel rep:
I read it takes 5-7 business days and I can be wrong.
After the cancellation, you can connect your PA's application to a my cic account and monitor and receive all communications.