I did ask my Member of Parliament to get an update on Thursday as it looks like the agent working on our files may have either forgotten to finish them or was pulled away to work on something else or is on vacation. I haven't heard anything yet, but will provide an update when I do. It just seems weird that there are at least 5 of us in the same situation, while everyone else who have received updates got PA and often DM on the same day and PPR the next day. I'm hoping the MP enquiry will trigger some positive action for all us who haven't heard anything since 21 August.
However it wouldn't hurt for you to send NDVO an email (mark it urgent), sometimes they do action them. If you do keep us informed so we can take the same action if it works.
I believe this is the email address:
delhi-im-enquiry@international.gc.ca Hopefully someone will provide a correction is this is incorrect.