Hello I just explained GCMS Process to someone in INBOX
So I am Pasting here too It may Help Anyone

Hi ,
Well It is kind of little tricky process for my wife to apply ATIP notes in official Website.
Although it cost only $5 Dollar in official website.
But I did not want to make any mistake
So I prefered to PAY $20 dollar more to visafile.info
If you can pay $25 Then it is very easy process
There are two rules to Apply GCMS NOTES
1). Only APPLICANT can APPLY GCMS Notes.
2). Only Person living in canada with any status can apply.
Our Spouse in Canada cannot take out our information from CIC although he/she is a sponsor because of privacy reason and Applicant is not Living in CANADA.
So we applicant have to sign one consent form and give rights to our sponsor to take out our information from CIC and our sponsor will receive it in 4 weeks in Sponsor's EMail.
I would recommend to pay 25 dollar transaction in Visafile.info website then you will recieve one consent form you have to sign it and send it back that is it...
This is Email You should contact if you are happy to pay 25 dollar.E Mail him That I want to Apply GCMS Notes
valery @ lawpoint.ca
Otherwise Normal Procedure is This:
download this consent form link below
Section A- Applicant Detail
Section B- Sponsor Detail
Section C- Sponsor Detail
In Section C also click Email Option
So You fill all the information and sign it and send scanned copy to your sponsor.
tell your sponsor to take print and sign then scan it again and save in PC
visit this link and fill online form
This is what your sponsor need
1).Scanned Copy of Sponsor's PR card or Passport
2).The consent form signed by you and your Sponsor
3).There is a $5.00 application fee for these requests.
At the end of the application, you will be automatically directed to an e-Payment tool, where you will be required to pay your $5.00 application fee using a Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card.
That's IT
I was not really sure and My wife is Dentist she is not expert in computer

even I had some doughts filling the online form So I choose visafile.info which is easy option.