LunarNymph said:
Hello Friends,
Got some GOOD NEWS to share with you all....FINALLY received the PP with PRV stamp via Registered Post TODAY!!!!!

;D ;D ;D
So happy and relieved at the same time!!!!
The PRV was stamped on May 31st...and the address on E-cas changed on June 4th (I didn't get a chance to post this info on the forum earlier in the week). Kindly update the spreadsheet with this information. Thank you.
I sincerely hope all of you get your PP with visa SOON!!!! Sending out positive vibes from my end to all of you!

It did work out good in the end after so much waiting. I am so happy for you.
I know I don't reply that much here but I appreciate all the help I get from all of us.
Just a quick information regarding the process of our application's that everybody is waiting for.
I have some friends that had the similar problem and they have found out for me that the reason we have to wait for so long is not because our application is fake or something is wrong. The reason is that when we file our application the visa officer reviews is when he gets it and then
if all the documents are in order he will send a e-mail if we have checked that we have the e-mail.
After that our file is then put aside in a pile with other application to be process or waiting for passport or if any documents are missing.
It doesn't matter if the request that
we get in e-mail or by mail and that we send the require documents the next business day or 1 week later. The application will be re-evaluated by the next officer or the same officer when he/she is done with other applications.
No matter what we do it is not going to change anything over there in the office
rather than a miracle. The reason we see the process for some people is quick because sometimes they are not getting a pile of applications that need to be verified and process.
I am just informing you guys to be patient like the rest of us that's all. I understand the pain and loneliness that everybody out there is having as I am also in the same boat as you guys are.
MY MARRAIGE WAS AN ARRANGE MARRAIGE; but I FELT IN LOVE WITH MY WIFE THE MOMENT I SAW HER FOR THE FIRST TIME BEFORE MARRAIGE . The reason I said this because I to have some bad times with my wife regarding the process time but that doesn't mean I don't love her. Just be patient guys and wait for your turn to come. The max it will take if you are applying for spouse case from India will be 10 months. After this period is over and we still don't get anything I strongly advice to see an assistant of MP to notify the office that it has been taking longer to process "
the application". The reason why we need to see the MP assistant is simple they reply to him directly and in within 2 to 3 days.
I hoped I helped you guys a little bit in having your tension reduced for a time and also please don't get frustrated off waiting. Take it from me don't waste your time in the frustration rather go outside and do something that will help you when your love one will come to you one day. I myself is working out in building muscles and also saving money so we can enjoy our future life. Be happy and don't let the frustration or stress get you because
you don't want your love one to come and end up taking care of your unhealthy life. You want to enjoy and make them enjoy too.
Thank you.