Hello All 2013 applicants,
I have created another version of the Excel sheet based on CanadaVisa.com data (my sheet is pulling data from excel sheet W2E mentioned in one of his post).
Here is the link to
new sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgtLnoSsGQaqdElqcXFWU2dBWDVEQmlwOVpDV0QzdlE&usp=drive_web#gid=0
Same drill, enter your dates to get an estimated DM date range.
This sheet gets live data from W2E's sheet, so more that original sheet is updated, better the prediction of this sheet will become.
Note: As there wasn't sufficient information about the cases where Interview was recommended, and/or Additional Documents were request; this new sheet is good for the cases where these two don't apply.
When you open the sheet, please do not start entering your data if someone else is already entering his/her.
If you would like a more sophisticated, easier to use system with precise estimation please reply to this message. I have a sponsor for the project who will do it if there is a demand. Obviously the 'system' will be free for all, always