I m a 20th June Applicant...I sponsored my wife..this is my second marriage.. i already submitted my wife's passport and landing fees as requested in August 2013..just last week my file updated as medical received then nothing....what is next dont know...if my wife get interview, must be given in english? and wt kind of question they are asking? if anybody knows pls reply me...Thanks
Hi deekay25,
Have some patience as NDVO is working on the June applications right now. You cannot be sure that your wife will have an interview or not unless you applied for GCMS notes and it said interview recommended or they emailed you to let you know that.
Interview can be given in any language other than English if you mentioned on the forms that English is not your wife's first language and an interpreter may be required should an interview occur. You can ask for one if she does get an interview but it cannot be certain if she will have an interview or not. I recommend that you apply for GCMS notes to see where your application stands.
Hi Desi Girl,
Thanks for the reply,
I already applied for GCMS notes in Nov.2013..after one month i got replied that they need 20day more then they sent me my scanned immigration file CD and suggest me to fill a complaint form...that i did it in Feb. 2014...then after i heard nothing...i dont understand what is going on?