There will always be someone worse off in this world my friend, and I feel for all those people. Like for example, there will be someone with only one arm, then further there will be someone missing both arms, then there will be someone with both arms and one leg missing, then there will be someone with both arms and both legs missing, then there will be someone missing both arms both legs and no head (oh, that's called dead). Now, all these people (missing various body parts) feel bad, and are sad, and it's true that there are people who are suffering wayyyyyyyyy more than them (except maybe the dead guy, because he's dead), but one only looks at his/her immediate situation, it's true, that in the back of their mind they know that people do exist that are suffering more, but as human beings I think our own suffering takes a higher priority. That's just how humans behave. So, to sum it up here, I feel bad for myself because I see no movement in my file and this affects me directly, and I know you are worse off because you applied before me and still have no passport request (but this does not affect me directly, so I feel less bad/sad), I still feel for you bro. We are all just looking at our own individual situations here, and feeling bad/sad for ourselves, because something that affects us immediately/directly takes higher priority than something that affects others (especially if we don't know these "others" personally). Wowwwwwww my longest post ever