ohhh wowwww.... congrats... thats such a gladdd news to hear,... Yesterday was my wedding anniversary and i celebrated here at my home without him.

but its ok., im happy that i could celebrate such a wonderful occassion with my parents and siblings at home. If God allows im gonna celebrate many more anniversaries with my husband. so no problem. anyway im really very happy to hear your good news. you might be jumping all around, right..

I had applied for GCMS on december 14. but i didnt get the results yet. Ecas has not changed to DM and medical received is also not there. what should i do now ??? ??? Im so confused. should i send an email to ATIP-AIPRP @ cic.gc.ca or should i do a MP enquiry? by the way who was your MP? Ours is Mr. Leung, Chungsen. Conservative party.
I know you might be busy packing and all., please help me when you get time. thanks. have a safe journey and have a blessed life ahead. God bless u dear